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Book Review: The Spectras Arise Trilogy by Tammy Salyer

Book Review: The Spectras Arise Trilogy by Tammy Salyer

From the archives! I read these books back in late 2014 and early 2015. If you're a fan of military sci fi, heists, and a good resistance-versus-evil-empire setup, check this series out.

Book Review: Secrets of PEACE by T.A. Hernandez

Book Review: Secrets of PEACE by T.A. Hernandez

I'm in kind of a unique position when reviewing this book because I had the opportunity to read it way back in its infancy. Comparing what it was then to what it has become now would compel me to rate it 5 stars right off the bat. The amount of care and dedication that has been put into...

Book Review: Ordinary Souls by J.S. Bailey

Book Review: Ordinary Souls by J.S. Bailey

Having been familiar with J.S. Bailey's work but having never read any of it, I was excited by the opportunity to read this collection this summer after she asked if I'd be willing to write a short blurb for it. It was the perfect introduction to her writing; this anthology contains a...

Book Review: Rath's Trial by Piers Platt

Book Review: Rath's Trial by Piers Platt

I was approached about joining the ARC team for this series last fall and ended up really enjoying the first three books. Imagine my surprise when I received the latest newsletter announcing there would be another trilogy! 

At the end of Book 3, Rath's Reckoning, our heroes more or less wrapped things up in terms of their ongoing battle with the ruthless Janus Group. But nothing...

Book Review: Abysm by G.S. Jennsen

Book Review: Abysm by G.S. Jennsen

I kinda felt like I'd just reviewed one of G.S. Jennsen's books, and then I realized I had. YOU GUYS, IT HASN'T EVEN BEEN THREE MONTHS. The woman is a machine.

Honestly, it's amazing that Abysm came about as quickly as it did, because it deals with some very complicated subject matter that would have taken a lesser writer ages to refine. While this book...

Book Review: Renegade by Joel Shepherd

Book Review: Renegade by Joel Shepherd

I want to start out by saying how absolutely terrible I feel about how long it took me to finish this book. According to Goodreads, I started it February 24, which actually wasn't as long ago as I feared. It really WAS excellent, and the last 30% or so really flew by because I was actually able to devote a proper amount of focus to...

Book Review: Dissonance by G.S. Jennsen

Book Review: Dissonance by G.S. Jennsen

It seems like after every Aurora Rhapsody book I read, I wonder what could possibly come next. Then when those next things happen, I always have a "D'oh!" moment because everything seems so obvious. So inevitable. So perfect. 

While the Aurora Rising trilogy was centered around war and conspiracies...

Book Review: A Shroud of Night and Tears by Lucas Bale

Book Review: A Shroud of Night and Tears by Lucas Bale

After I finished Defiance (Beyond the Wall Book 2) a couple of weeks ago, a couple of conversations took place on various social media:

Needless to say, I did get started on Book 3 right away, and it didn't take me long to discover that Bale wasn't kidding...