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Book Review: Dissonance by G.S. Jennsen

Book Review: Dissonance by G.S. Jennsen

It seems like after every Aurora Rhapsody book I read, I wonder what could possibly come next. Then when those next things happen, I always have a "D'oh!" moment because everything seems so obvious. So inevitable. So perfect. 

While the Aurora Rising trilogy was centered around war and conspiracies...

Myers Briggs: Get to Know Your Characters

Myers Briggs: Get to Know Your Characters

A little over a year ago, I put Ziva through a Myers Briggs test just out of curiosity and was shocked to find that she has the same MBTI type as I do (ISTJ, for the record). I mean, I had always recognized certain parallels in our personalities, but I definitely hadn't expected the results to be the same. Still, even among the "official" 16 personality types, there are numerous variations and...

ICYMI: Author Life Month

ICYMI: Author Life Month

If you follow me on social media, you probably kept up with a little Instagram game I played in February. Author Life Month started out by providing a list of all the daily themes -- participants were supposed to post a photo corresponding with each theme on the given day, making sure each post was tagged with...

Mass Effect: Sole Survivor

Mass Effect: Sole Survivor

I'm a firm believer that writers should always keep everything they've written. Who knows - maybe you'll actually find a use for an old piece of writing at some point! But I think the best part of saving your work is being able to go back years later and see how much you've improved over time. As much as I hate some of the early stories I wrote...

Book Review: A Shroud of Night and Tears by Lucas Bale

Book Review: A Shroud of Night and Tears by Lucas Bale

After I finished Defiance (Beyond the Wall Book 2) a couple of weeks ago, a couple of conversations took place on various social media:

Needless to say, I did get started on Book 3 right away, and it didn't take me long to discover that Bale wasn't kidding...

Resilience: Excerpts from The Unthinkable

Resilience: Excerpts from The Unthinkable

I mentioned a couple of blog posts ago that one of my upcoming non-fiction reads was going to be The Unthinkable: Who Survives When Disaster Strikes - And Why. I've been slowly working my way through it during lunch breaks, and while some parts...

Book Review: Defiance by Lucas Bale

Book Review: Defiance by Lucas Bale

I've had the entire Beyond the Wall series gathering dust on my Kindle for a while now. I finally got around to reading Book 1, The Heretic, back over the summer and was impressed enough that I knew I'd eventually want to continue the series. Many readers have likened it to Firefly (may it rest in peace) and I couldn't agree more...

Excerpt: A Shooter's Mindset

Excerpt: A Shooter's Mindset

I've never been a huge fan of reading nonfiction, but recently I've found some material that's actually interesting and helpful for me as a writer. I tend to shy away from "writers' guides" and stick more to things with real-world application that I can turn around and apply to my writing. For example, since the majority of my characters are involved in law enforcement of some sort, reading a book that deals with behavioral analysis...

Book Review: Rath’s Deception by Piers Platt

Book Review: Rath’s Deception by Piers Platt

I received a free advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Call me morbid, but I’m kind of a sucker for cold-blooded assassins. When the author offered me a free read-for-review copy, I agreed without hesitation. The premise alone was enough to pique my curiosity...

Book Review: Sidespace by G.S. Jennsen

Book Review: Sidespace by G.S. Jennsen

Let me just start by saying that it has been an absolute honor to beta read for and work with this wonderful lady over the past couple of years. This sprawling saga she has created has become one of my favorite stories!

When I finished Transcendence, I was satisfied. I knew the story wasn’t over...