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Book Gush October


I'm participating in a group book promo event over the next couple of months, and we are currently looking for READERS to sign up who are active on Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook!


Over 100 authors are looking to send out print book packages to readers active on IG, TT, and FB, to help spread the word about books/authors you might not know and help people discover new stories they love. All genres except children’s books will be available.

The reader sign-up form is open from 8/25 - 9/1. Starting in September, authors involved will be picking their recipients (based on mutual genres/interests) and sending a book package to them.

Beginning October 1, participating readers must post a video or a reel (live or recorded) for the ‘unboxing’ of the book, and a gush post during the read or after. This is not a review request. We don’t want your review, we want your influence (though we do hope you enjoy the books as well!).

Are you in? Take a chance and find some new gems. This will be a great way for indie authors to promote their work and for readers to discover new stories and characters to fall in love with.

And if you're not a TikTok or Instagram fan, you can help me out by sharing this post so we can reach our target audience :)