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Signed Paperbacks Now Available!

If you’re subscribed to my newsletter, you’ve already been made privy to this piece of information (don’t you feel special??). I’ve always been able to sell signed paperbacks at a discount to people I know and see regularly in person, but one of the many items on my to-do list has been setting up some sort of method for readers elsewhere to order them directly from me. I’ve been working behind the scenes lately on putting this together, and I’m thrilled to announce that my shop is now live!

My initial shipment of Embers paperbacks arrived earlier this week (and is already half-depleted because I had so many prior requests for copies 😂), and I’ve got another shipment on the way with additional copies of all the other books. My stock will likely remain fairly low the majority of time, but if there’s enough demand, I can always increase my order sizes.

You can also purchase all the ebooks from my shop, and they’re available for discounted prices as well! They’ll be available for instant download after payment is processed. With the paperbacks, there’s a prompt during checkout where you can enter instructions for a custom inscription if you want. If/when I get around to developing hardcovers, my hope is to make some of them available for direct purchase through this shop as well.

If you're reading this, chances are you already own and have read most/all of the series, but if you ever need another copy of something for any reason, perhaps to give as a gift or introduce to a new reader, hit me up.

A couple of things to note:

  • At this time, I can only ship paperbacks to addresses in the United States. The fact of the matter is international shipping costs are astronomical, even if it’s just across the border in Canada or something. If you are international and want to place an order, email me at ej@ejfisch.com and we’ll chat.

  • On that note, I do have to charge for shipping (sorry, no Prime here). This means that, despite the discounted prices in my shop, paperbacks end up being a tad more expensive than they’d be even from the ‘Zon. But hey, they’re signed 🤷‍♀️ Do with that information what you will. Regardless of whether you purchase a paperback or an ebook, you’re helping support an indie author.