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Book Review: Renegade by Joel Shepherd

Book Review: Renegade by Joel Shepherd

I want to start out by saying how absolutely terrible I feel about how long it took me to finish this book. According to Goodreads, I started it February 24, which actually wasn't as long ago as I feared. It really WAS excellent, and the last 30% or so really flew by because I was actually able to devote a proper amount of focus to...

Book Review: Dissonance by G.S. Jennsen

Book Review: Dissonance by G.S. Jennsen

It seems like after every Aurora Rhapsody book I read, I wonder what could possibly come next. Then when those next things happen, I always have a "D'oh!" moment because everything seems so obvious. So inevitable. So perfect. 

While the Aurora Rising trilogy was centered around war and conspiracies...

Myers Briggs: Get to Know Your Characters

Myers Briggs: Get to Know Your Characters

A little over a year ago, I put Ziva through a Myers Briggs test just out of curiosity and was shocked to find that she has the same MBTI type as I do (ISTJ, for the record). I mean, I had always recognized certain parallels in our personalities, but I definitely hadn't expected the results to be the same. Still, even among the "official" 16 personality types, there are numerous variations and...

ICYMI: Author Life Month

ICYMI: Author Life Month

If you follow me on social media, you probably kept up with a little Instagram game I played in February. Author Life Month started out by providing a list of all the daily themes -- participants were supposed to post a photo corresponding with each theme on the given day, making sure each post was tagged with...

Mass Effect: Sole Survivor

Mass Effect: Sole Survivor

I'm a firm believer that writers should always keep everything they've written. Who knows - maybe you'll actually find a use for an old piece of writing at some point! But I think the best part of saving your work is being able to go back years later and see how much you've improved over time. As much as I hate some of the early stories I wrote...

Book Review: A Shroud of Night and Tears by Lucas Bale

Book Review: A Shroud of Night and Tears by Lucas Bale

After I finished Defiance (Beyond the Wall Book 2) a couple of weeks ago, a couple of conversations took place on various social media:

Needless to say, I did get started on Book 3 right away, and it didn't take me long to discover that Bale wasn't kidding...

Resilience: Excerpts from The Unthinkable

Resilience: Excerpts from The Unthinkable

I mentioned a couple of blog posts ago that one of my upcoming non-fiction reads was going to be The Unthinkable: Who Survives When Disaster Strikes - And Why. I've been slowly working my way through it during lunch breaks, and while some parts...

Book Review: Defiance by Lucas Bale

Book Review: Defiance by Lucas Bale

I've had the entire Beyond the Wall series gathering dust on my Kindle for a while now. I finally got around to reading Book 1, The Heretic, back over the summer and was impressed enough that I knew I'd eventually want to continue the series. Many readers have likened it to Firefly (may it rest in peace) and I couldn't agree more...

Excerpt: A Shooter's Mindset

Excerpt: A Shooter's Mindset

I've never been a huge fan of reading nonfiction, but recently I've found some material that's actually interesting and helpful for me as a writer. I tend to shy away from "writers' guides" and stick more to things with real-world application that I can turn around and apply to my writing. For example, since the majority of my characters are involved in law enforcement of some sort, reading a book that deals with behavioral analysis...